Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunrise Train Rides

Day 7 of the Gratitude Challenge says to take a photo of thing, person, place or moment that makes you feel grateful…

It’s dark when I leave the house now… and dark when I get home. And sometimes riding the train sucks. But in the mornings, I sit on the right side of the train so I can watch the sun rise over the water.

PS – This picture kind of sucks because I took it with my phone, the windows are dirty, and we’re moving kind of fast. But you get the idea…

Gratitude Challenge

I'm way way behind on this, but I don't want to skip it either. I swear, I've been thinking about these, but I can't do 21 consecutive days. Either I'll catch up, or I'll be slow. But here are a few updates:

Day 5:
Day five says to take 5 minutes and be thankful for the things you currently have; take stock of all the blessings you currently enjoy. So here goes:

Right now I’m thankful for vitamin water and Cold-Eeze, Mayday Parade, headphones, heat, my job, trains, sleep, alarm clocks, people who know how to write song lyrics that make you feel something, sunshine, boys who make me laugh, vegetable soup, socks, ponytails, sweatpants, high-heels, sparkling sidewalks, people who are talented artists, sketches, sharing, text messages, cell phones, purple pens, Google groups, tea, rock band, my family, surprises, fall colors, blankets, pumpkin carving, zombie movies, zombie books, ghost stories, Halloween costumes, candy, caramel apples, parties, and all the other things that make this season good and bad… even being sick has its brighter side (who doesn’t love a grilled cheese sandwich with soup, and a TV or movie marathon?). Actually, the fall is my favorite season, and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I guess it goes along with the Gratitude Challenge, doesn’t it?

Day 6:
Day six says to take a few minutes to call someone you haven't talked to in a while, and tell them how much you appreciate them.

I didn’t really call anyone on Thursday to tell them how much I appreciate them. But, on Friday, I did have lunch with a friend who I haven’t seen in a long time. He’s incredibly talented, and totally awesome. He moved cross-country, takes amazing photos, and we went bungee jumping together in California. I love the way he laughs, and he can jump better than anyone I know. We might never start our own design company, but I’ll try to see him whenever either of us is on the opposite coast, and I will always be willing to share my Almond Joys with him. I didn’t say all this to his face, but I’m pretty sure he knows.