Ok, so technically, this is the same day as the Delft day. But meeting up with Maggie and Bets deserves its own post. They were right on time at the train station. I took them back to Tim's so we could grab him before dinner. But he was like 2 hours late because he had a team meeting after class. So his neighbor Rohit invited us over to watch some Dutch TV. We were totally satisfied with the news, and then Lingo, and then whatever music video channel was on, but clearly he wasn't because he kept changing the station. Finally Tim got back! We were heading to Paddy Murphy's for the night, but needed cheap dinner first. David decided to come with us to Donner Kebab. But first, we all had to try the bear powder candy we bought in Amsterdam. The consensus? Disgusting. We proceeded to get very drunk and have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day. Here are a few of the best photos:

Maggs and I


Maggs and Betsy

MBA Boys: Kristian, Hugh, Geoff and Traavis
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