After the Anne Frank Huis, we went to the Museumplein to see the I amsterdam sign. We went to the Van Gogh museum, but of course, no pictures in there. So another day done in Amsterdam. Saturday we went to Leeuwarden. We got there at a decent hour, but the museum we wanted to see wasn't open yet, so we decided to go to Franeker. It's the home of the oldest planetarium in the world. Unfortunately, you can't take any pictures in there either. But when I get back to the States, I will scan the postcard.
Back in Leeuwarden, we couldn't get into the Tresoar (by that time, it was closed) so we didn't get to see too much about our family name. But we did go to the Historisch Centrum Leeuwarden where we saw an exhibit of the history of the city (all in Dutch of course) and found out some more information on the area. We got copies of whatever they had available in English, and a woman there gave me some better ideas about how to do genealogy research. As it turns out, most of our family was born in the surrounding countryside, so our records wouldn't be in this place anyway.
We capped off the day with a trip to the Fries Museum. We saw a Mata Hari exhibit (Dutch born, Parisian exotic dancer turned German spy). And a WWII exhibit which was just interesting to see from another country's perspective. There was also this special quilt exhibit. I took this picture for my Aunt. She makes quilts, and they are incredible. She gave me one, and this made me think of her. We had a delicious kaasfondue dinner at Het Leven (The Life) and took the train all the way back to Rotterdam (minus a quick detour back to the Botel Zebra to grab our stuff).